"scallywag /ˈskalɪwaɡ/
a person, typically a child, who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way"
"mosh pit
the area in front of the stage at a rock concert where members of the audience dance frantic and go wild with the frenzy of the music"
safe spaces for children • divers - inclusive - equitant community • sustainability • support
SCALLYWAG MOSH PIT is a child- led environmental group based on Sustainability - Safe spaces - Support.
We started 2015 as a befriending group, breaking the isolation of new parents and we are now a child led environmental project that encourages and engages children to express their fears, ideas, hopes and wishes for their future. We want to nurture and care, we want to share resources and show activities that make kids feel strong and powerful.
Join us!
We are on twitter (@scallywag mosh pi), we are on whatsApp (Scallywag Mosh Pit > kids events, activities and home learning, Newham Sharing Initiative > sustainability and support, Swap Shop, Food Hub and relatate activities/ events -> I can add you if you like)
Together we are stronger!

SCALLYWAG MOSH PIT started as an alternative to the 'no children allowed' policies in most places. It was an attempt to change the rule to 'parents allowed (if accompanied by a kid)' and to break the isolation of young parents. We create a safe space for children, AND parents to mingle and make friends, and this project gained momentum.
Check the EVENTS section to find out about upcoming shannanigans in the pit!!!
Learn all about the ACTIVITES IN THE PIT!
FOREST school, adventure in NATURE, ARTS'n CRAFTS and other HANDIWORK! Did you know that we make historic COSTUMES out of rags? Scallywags can do it! Everything from making SOAP making to baking and jam making! Read more under ACTIVITIES!!!
We have been shielding, locked down.
The Scallywags have been very busy learning at home. We created together MANY INFO AND WORK SHEETS for reception up to year 5. Maths, literacy, science, CC, RE... make learning FUN! We have been sharing them in our WhatsApp group but very soon you will be able to find and download all of these sheets under RESOURCES!!!
And there are even more GREAT NEWS!
At the beginning of lockdown, we started a contactless Swap Shop, which was at first sitting in a small alleyway, but then moved to its permanent place on the premises of the Chandos Community Centre. And it's proved to be very popular in the community - and beyond!!! Read moreabout it in our SMP PROJETS!!!
We came back with a lot of ideas:
check out the SCALLYWAG MOSH PIT BLOG!!! And read about all the amazing stuff we've been up to! Interviews, Citizen Science Investigations, detailed reports about ISSUES, that are important for us. Proposals and applications to get support to make our plans come true. We can make it happen! Read more under NEWS!!!
We care! And we get hands on!
My big scallywag has started a FOOD SAVE INITIATIVE at her school (federation) and the kids are investigating food waste, behaviours and habits leading to food being wasted, and ideas how to save food! All the FACTS, delicious RECIPES, and TIPS& TRICKS! Read more about it in our SMP PROJECTS!!!
There will be more ACTIVITIES IN THE PIT a SCALLYWAG BOOK LIBRARY and a DELICIOUS SURPRISE waiting for you, too! We keep you updated!!!

Scallywag Mosh Pit Calendar:
Life is colourful and there is always lots to do for Scallywags - check out our events page and calendar:
We are not only organising events and promoting events, we are very proud to introduce these initiatives

During lockdown, the Scallywags have been very busy learning at home and we created together MANY INFO and WORK SHEETS for Nursery school up to year 4!
We have been sharing them in our WhatsApp group but woo- hoo, very soon we will be able to share all of these sheets as pdfs on here.

We are collaborating with people who care for the environment and want to take action: litter picking, repair - reuse - revamp - recycle, bee & bug sancturies, hedgehog highways, know your plants and herbs, composting, growing and harvesting.
The Nature Club Council is meeting regularly to discuss and plan innovative ideas.

Every year 1/3 of food worth 1.3 BILLION £ is wasted. This food could feed 3 BILLION people.
Food waste in landfills contributes 8.2% to global warming and climate change.
Food production consumes 30% of all fossil fuel use and 66 trillion gallons of water.
Scallywags are getting active in this FOOD WASTE - FOOD SAVE Initiative.

We are SCALLYWAGS - we are HERE!
And we are going to make a WAVE!