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On the 28th of January 2022, a concerned scallywag sent an email to the head of school:

Dear Miss,

my name is A, and I am writing to you about food waste at our

school lunch hall. As often as I can I stack chairs in the lunch hall,

and before, I also used to sweep the floor, to save the dinner ladies

a job. When I were doing it there was unbelievable mess on the floor :

almost half of the chicken we get, half potatoes, broccoli, evan whole

potatoes! I would like you to try to stop the food waste, maybe by

putting up posters about food waste and climate change. Also, Mrs

A says that I am one of the only ones who finish their food. If

you don’t want to spend so much money on food, then I suggest that you stop the students wasting their food.

Best Wishes,



Miss responded with starting a Food Waste group, and aranged for a meeting to take place.


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May 10, 2023

The Food Save Crew has been exploring ways of saving food!

Which ways can you think of to save food?

Have you been volunteering for olio or donating food to a foodbank?

Here on the Trussell Trust website you can find the local foodbanks:


May 10, 2023

And the Food initiative continued: the Head of school scheduled meetings to learn about food waste.

Here are the slides that the Scallywags made to show the impact foodwaste has on the environment:

Please feel free to share these work sheets!Sharing is caring!

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